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Frequently Asked Questions

Apporetum fails to deploy App Registration due to Client ID being incorrect:​

Make sure the Client ID for your registered application is entered correctly and that the permissions are correctly set as per section 2.4

Apporetum fails to deploy KeyVault as the KeyVault name is not unique:​

Make sure that the KeyVault that is being deployed is not conflicting with other KeyVault deployments, ideally and it is strongly recommended to avoid this issue by making sure that the Resource Group you’re deploying Apporetum to is empty and has no resources associated with it.

Apporetum fails to deploy as Database names are not unique:​

Same as above make sure there are no database services in the resource group that Apporetum is being deployed to have no conflicting names and it is strongly recommended to avoid this issue by making sure that the Resource Group you’re deploying Apporetum to is empty.

Apporetum fails to deploy VNet due to IP Address Clash:​

Make sure the specified VNets for Apporetum don’t overlap currently deployed VNets in your infrastructure and ensure any targeted VNet’s that are to be peered don’t overlap either.

Apporetum fails to deploy as App Service permissions have not been granted:​

Make sure that the permissions in section 2.5 have been set correctly for the created app service.

What are the naming conventions for the different deployment options for Apporetum (Dev/Test/Prod)​

The services are named with the respective abbreviated type with the abbreviation of the service, followed by a unique 7-character ID for example:

  • Development – Apporetum-dev-sql-das123a
  • Test – Apporetum-test-kv-fasj832
  • Prod – Apporetum-prod-api-23ues9

I have tried to specify another Proxy and Can’t connect:​

Contact us for support.

I’m having issues with configuration of the custom DNS:​

Reach out to your Azure support team to assist you.

Can I set up Apporetum Application for External Access:​

Yes, this is possible but We recommend that you have firewalls and proxies protecting the service. This will require you to consult with your internal network teams. .

Apporetum does not show up in the Private Offers on Marketplace:​

Some tenants will have the private marketplace disabled. You can check this from the Private Offer Management pane. Click on the Check eligibility button to run a report.