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Version: Casuarina

Key Features

App Insight / Access Review Report​

Apporetum provides app managers with a comprehensive and user-friendly interface that allows them to efficiently review and adjust access permissions. With a visual dashboard, managers can easily visualise the access granted to different applications, identify any unusual or suspicious patterns, and confidently manage access entitlements.

The software offers a clear overview of all the apps being managed, allowing managers to track and monitor access across multiple applications. It also enables the generation of member reports, which can be customised based on specific apps or app roles. These reports assist managers in conducting access reviews more efficiently and provide valuable insights for reporting to higher management.

By exporting member reports, managers can obtain detailed information about current app members and their associated app roles. This helps in identifying any discrepancies or gaps in access permissions, such as users who should have been added to a role but haven't been properly granted access to the app. These reports streamline the access review process and support managers in ensuring the accurate and secure allocation of access rights.


Apporetum incorporates role guardrails to enhance access management within organizations or businesses, reinforcing security policies and promoting best practices. These role guardrails are instrumental in maintaining the overall security and compliance of your IT infrastructure.

One important aspect of role guardrails is the ability to configure roles based on user types, providing greater control over access assignments. When setting up role configurations, you have the option to select between internal users and external users, enabling you to filter and determine which users can be assigned to specific roles.

If you choose the Internal User option, only individuals within your organization will be eligible for invitation to this role. This ensures that role-based access is limited to internal stakeholders, enhancing internal security and control over sensitive resources.

On the other hand, by selecting the External User option, you can broaden the scope of role invitations to trusted external parties. This allows for collaboration with external stakeholders, such as partners or vendors, while maintaining security. Additionally, within the External User option, you can search for and add specific trusted parties, further refining the access permissions for external users.

By incorporating these role guardrails, Apporetum empowers you to establish more precise and secure access management, tailoring roles to specific user types and minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

Historical View/Log​

With Apporetum, you gain the valuable ability to track and review all changes made to entitlements over time. Apporetum, our comprehensive platform, maintains a complete historical view of access entitlements, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of your access management practices.

As an app manager, once you are assigned the app manager role, you have access to the entire historical view of the app's management. This means you can trace back to the very first access event that occurred in the app, providing you with a holistic perspective on access management.

As an admin user, you have even broader visibility, as you can view the entire historical log of events that have taken place in Apporetum. This includes changes to access entitlements, reconciliations, and more. This comprehensive historical view empowers you to effectively manage your organization's security.

In the event of any suspicious activities or malicious events, this historical log becomes an invaluable resource. You can leverage it to conduct thorough investigations, analysing user behaviors and identifying any security issues. This historical view offers you enhanced capabilities to ensure the security and integrity of your organization's access management practices.


In Apporetum, we understand that users' access to applications can sometimes deviate from Apporetum's source of truth. This discrepancy often occurs due to out-of-process actions performed by external users. To address this challenge, we have implemented a powerful reconciliation feature that ensures data accuracy and consistency in access management.

The reconciliation process in Apporetum involves auditing data sources to identify access instances that do not match Apporetum's records. This proactive approach helps detect any inconsistencies or unauthorized access, minimizing security risks and maintaining the integrity of your access management practices.

When a reconciliation process is initiated, Apporetum scans data sources and compares the access entitlements found within those sources against the access records maintained by Apporetum. Any disparities or discrepancies are captured as reconciliation alerts, highlighting areas where access drift has occurred.

These reconciliation alerts serve as a valuable tool for administrators and access managers. Within the Apporetum Portal, you can easily review these alerts, gaining insights into the specific instances where access does not align with the source of truth. This visibility allows you to take proactive measures to remediate the identified issues and bring access permissions back in line with your desired configurations.

By leveraging the reconciliation feature, you can ensure that Apporetum remains the authoritative source for access entitlements, maintaining data consistency and minimizing the risk of unauthorized access. This feature provides a comprehensive mechanism for identifying and addressing access drift caused by external user actions.

B2B Channel - Trusted Parties​

Apporetum provides a powerful B2B Channel that allows you to establish secure connections and collaborations with trusted parties. This key feature enhances your access management capabilities and fosters seamless interactions between your organization and external entities.

With the B2B Channel, you can invite and onboard trusted parties, such as business partners, vendors, or contractors, into Apporetum. This streamlined process ensures that only authorized and verified entities gain access to your resources and systems, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

Once onboarded, you have granular control over the access permissions granted to these trusted parties. Apporetum enables you to define specific roles and entitlements, tailoring access privileges to align with the requirements of each partner. This ensures that access is granted on a need-to-know basis, maintaining the security and confidentiality of your sensitive information.

The B2B Channel also facilitates secure communication and collaboration with trusted parties. You can securely share resources, documents, or applications with your partners through a controlled and auditable environment. This fosters efficient collaboration while ensuring that data privacy and security are maintained throughout the entire process.

Additionally, the B2B Channel provides comprehensive visibility and monitoring capabilities. You can track and audit the activities of trusted parties within Apporetum, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and internal security policies. This transparency empowers you to identify any potential security issues or anomalies and take proactive measures to mitigate risks.

By leveraging the B2B Channel in Apporetum, you establish a trusted network of partners, enable secure collaborations, and maintain stringent control over access permissions. This key feature enhances the overall security, efficiency, and compliance of your organization's B2B relationships, supporting seamless and secure interactions with trusted parties.


Apporetum offers seamless integration capabilities, allowing you to integrate with various identity sources, systems, applications, and even your IT Service Management (ITSM) tool. This comprehensive integration feature streamlines access management processes, enhances efficiency, strengthens security, and promotes IT service delivery across your entire IT infrastructure.

By integrating with your ITSM tool, Apporetum enables a unified and synchronized approach to user and access management. You can seamlessly connect your identity and access management (IAM) solution with your ITSM tool, ensuring that user accounts, access requests, and access provisioning align with your established IT service workflows.

The integration between IAM and your ITSM tool facilitates automated user provisioning and de-provisioning. When a new user is onboarded or an existing user's role changes, the integration ensures that the necessary access rights and entitlements are automatically provisioned or updated within the ITSM tool. This eliminates manual intervention, reduces the risk of errors, and accelerates the delivery of IT services.

Delegate Access Management​

Apporetum offers a robust delegate access management feature that enables your IT team to efficiently delegate access control responsibilities to business users. This powerful feature simplifies access management processes, improves productivity, and facilitates effective collaboration while ensuring security and compliance. With Apporetum, you can centralise app management for both business users and IT users, enabling a seamless and streamlined approach to access control.

By leveraging delegate access management in Apporetum, you can assign specific app management roles and permissions to trusted business users. This delegation empowers them to handle access-related tasks within their designated scope, reducing the burden on IT personnel. Business users gain the ability to perform activities such as user provisioning, role assignments, access approvals, and access revocations, all while adhering to defined security policies and compliance requirements.

One key advantage of Apporetum's delegate access management is the ability to achieve separation of duties. By allowing business users to assume app management roles, you can establish clear role-based responsibilities and promote a more controlled access management environment. This segregation of duties ensures that different individuals are responsible for distinct aspects of access control, reducing the risk of conflicts of interest and promoting accountability.

Apporetum's centralised app management capabilities provide a unified platform for both business users and IT users to collaborate on access control tasks. This centralised approach streamlines communication and ensures consistency in managing access to applications. Business users gain visibility and control over the access privileges of their teams, enabling them to make timely decisions and respond to access requests promptly.

Download From Azure Market Place​

The Azure Marketplace is the ideal starting point for anyone looking to deploy Apporetum into their environment without the headache of having to manage all required Azure Resources. By utilizing the marketplace, you can swiftly set up your development, testing, and production environments with a straightforward installation procedure and be operational in as little as twenty minutes.

Deploy Apporetum using Azure Marketplace which offers many benefits for your organization, including streamlined deployment, enhanced security features, and simplified management. By deploying Apporetum through Azure, you can also take advantage of features such as autoscaling and monitoring, which help ensure the availability and performance of your application.