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Version: Casuarina

User Roles

App Managers​

These roles are assigned on per app basis. Your manager level is not transferred app to app.


We recommend you read App Manager to find all the details on role entitlements.

App Owner​

App Owners are responsible for the upkeep of an Application's appearance, management team, App Role guardrails and notification preferences

Access Provider​

Access providers are responsible for assigning users to app roles

Access Approver​

Access Approvers are responsible for approving any access which requires it

Apporetum Admins​


We recommend you read Admin User to find all the details on role entitlements.

System Admin​

Create and manage applications, trusted parties, mail and mail templates, and Apporetum configuration; view and download audit and activity logs to monitor security compliance

SecOps Manager​

View and detect abnormal application access patterns, system audits, trusted parties and console users

Global Admin​

View and edit any information across Apporetum

Global Reader​

View all information across Apporetum, but not edit anything