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Version: Casuarina

App Managers


In this article, you will learn where and how to find a user in Apporetum who has been assigned to one of the app manager roles: app owner, app approver, and app provider.


If you are an app manager, you will need to go to the Apps navigation menu. If you are a console or admin user, the golden pathway for you would be to go to the Users navigation menu.

Find an App Manager Through Apps​


We recommend an app manager uses this pathway, whereas for console user, it will be more efficient to find an app manager through Users.

  1. Go to Apps main navigation menu
  2. Search and click the app that you want to view the app managers for
  3. By default, you will view App Members

find an app manager


The role listed under the app name at the top is your role for this app.

  1. Click the Info tab
  2. Scroll down to Management section
  3. View the app owners, access providers, and access approvers

If you are an app manager, you will be able to view the associated app manager users at the apps that you are managing.

If you are a console user, you can view the app managers across all apps in Apporetum.

Find an App Manager Through Users​


If you are a console/admin user, you can see All Users, App Members, App Managers, and Admin Users under Users. App managers will only be able to see App Members.

  1. Go to Users main navigation menu
  2. By default, you will see All Users if you are a console user

app manager tab at Users

  1. Click App Managers sub-menu navigation option
  2. Search the user (by email or user name) to view their app manager roles across Apporetum

You can use the sort function next to the User column. It will sort based on the alphabetical order by first name.

app manager summary

  1. View the summary of the user's app manager roles across Apporetum
  2. Click each row to view more details

app manager app info

  1. Click the Info tab to view more detailed information about this user

app manager info