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Version: Angophra

Action User Access


This article gives you an overall understanding of all the actions that are available for user access. You will be introduced to different pathways for conducting those actions. If you want to know more about those actions or pathways, we have also included recommended articles for you to read further.

How-to Guide​

  1. Select and click a user
  2. Available buttons that can be selected will appear
  3. Choose the button to act on this user's access

User Access Status and Actions​

Expired Access

Renew Access

Expiring Access

Remove Access

Extend Access

Active Access

Remove Access

Extend Access


You can extend or shorten the access period by updating the expiry date by using the extend access button.

Scheduled Access

Remove Access

Approval-needed Access

Approve Access

Deny Access

Quick Pathway via Dashboard​

  1. If you are the direct app manager of the user, on Dashboard, you will see
  • the expiring access showing under the Expiring Access tab
  • the expired access showing under the Expired Access tab
  • the scheduled access showing under the Scheduled Access tab
  • the user access needs approvals showing under the Access Approvals tab

If you want to conduct those actions with some guides, we recommend you read this article, How-to Guide of Dashboard.


If you are admin users without assigned with an app manager role who have the entitlement of conducting this action, you will need to go to Access or Users main navigation menu options.

Other Pathways via Access​

Using the Apps Navigation Option​

  1. Click the Access navigation menu option
  2. By default, you will be seeing Apps
  3. Select an app
  4. By default, you will be seeing the all members under the Members tab
  5. Click a user
  6. Act on a role access of those user
  7. Click the user

If you want to know more about app managers and their entitlements, we recommend you read this article, App Manager.

Using the Manage Access Navigation Option​

  1. Click the Access navigation menu option
  2. By default, you will be seeing Apps
  3. Manage Access is on the left side navigation menu
  4. Under the Manage Access tab, you can find Approvals, Scheduled, Expiring Soon and Expired

Using the Users Navigation Option​

  1. Click the Users navigation menu option
  2. By default, you will be seeing Accounts
  3. Search a user to act on directly