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Version: Angophra

App Configuration Essentials

This article is recommended for users who want to find out all the settings that you can change, update or customize when configuring a current or new app on Apporetum. It would also be useful for users who are preparing to conduct app configuration on Apporetum.


Apporetum gives you options to edit App Basics, Roles, Appearance, and Notifications. For the apps that are using the same type of data source, the user interface of updating/changing a current app and configuring a new app on Apporetum are the same.


Apporetum supports three main types of data sources, Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory), OnPrem AD (On-Premise Active Directory), and CSV.

  • For configuring App Basics, Appearance, and Notifications, the processes for the three types of data sources are the same.
  • CSV data source is different in configuring Roles while Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) and OnPrem AD (On-Premise Active Directory) are the same.
  • CSV data source has one more configuration called Import, which includes Upload File, Match Users, Map Roles, and Setup Guardrails.

What Is App Configuration​

App Configuration is a way to organise and control the settings of an application in a centralised manner. This makes it easier to manage and deploy the application, as well as reducing the complexity of dealing with different configurations across multiple applications, dependencies and environments.

Configure App Basics​


To read the how-to guide on App info configuration, click here

You can configure the basic details of the app. There are three main sections, Source, About, and Management.

  • Under the Source section, you can see the Data Source
  • If you choose Entra Id, you can click Has App Roles, and choose the Data Source App

has app role

  • By doing so, you will have the option of **Backing App **Role** when configuring roles.

backing app role

  • Under the About section, you can give a customised Friendly Name and Description, optional Redirect Url to distinguish this role from others in this app.
  • Under the Management section, you can choose or update the user list of Owners, Access Providers, and Access Approvers.

To learn more about App Manager, click here

Configure Roles​

  • To read the how-to guide on CSV role configuration, click here.
  • To read the how-to guide on Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) or OnPrem AD Roles configuration, click here.

You can update a current role setting, or create and add a new role to your app.



We suggest you choose one of the methods to configure the roles as follows. Using both ways to configure roles is not practically recommended.

  1. configure roles on the Import tab by setting up map roles rule and guardrails
  2. go to the Roles tab and manually add app roles. This method will be the same as configuring roles in the apps using Entra ID and OnPrem AD. You can click Role Configuration to read more.

For CSV Data Source, the Import process includes Upload File, Match Users, Map Roles, and Setup Guardrails.

CSV app configuration

Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) & OnPrem AD​

For the two other main data sources in Apporetum, the process is different from CSV. The process is as follows,

  1. You can give a friendly name to the role.
  2. Fill in the Backing App Role section

backing app role


You will only see this configuration section if you created an Entra Id app selected Has App Role and chose Data Source App during the app configuration as follows.

has app role

  1. You can configure a Directory Backing by linking to an existing group or creating a new group.

  2. You can set the default role access expiry period at Access Expires and also whether adding users to this role requires approval.

  3. You can set up if the role is a Trusted Role.

  4. You are able to select how often to run reconciliation on this role during Reconciliation Period.

  5. Moreover, you have the control at Membership Guardrail to configure which accounts will be eligible members of this App Role.


Configure App Appearance​


To read the how-to guide on App appearance configuration, click here

You can configure the look of the app logo by uploading a customized image from your local device.


Configure App Notification​


To read the how-to guide on App email configuration, click here

You can configure email notifications that are sent during access management events for this app. You can decide which event you want to turn on the email notification for. Then you are able to specify the default timing for when notifications are sent.
